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This month I took some time to reflect on how much a community can do together. I assembled the photos I took over the year during “An Evening with Ellen”.

“An Evening with Ellen” limited audience prepares for ceremonial stroll to Odd Fellows Hall

“An Evening with Ellen” started with actor Mary Baird and non-profit sponsor The Famous Marching Presidents and grew and gained momentum throughout 2020…best of all, it kept me creatively engaged during 2020.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller


Project Management & Creative Development, Community Outreach and Engagement

January-February: Writing and research, with support from Nevada County Historical Society Research Library.

March: Convert to video production.

April: Arbor Day tree planting in recognition of Ellen Clark Sargent.

May-June: Rehearsals begin. GoFundMe campaign launched.

July: Poster concept and layout.

August: Poster printing and release. Odd Fellows decorate windows on Broad Street. Video production. Famous Marching Presidents Tree Dedication Ceremony.

September: Video complete.

October: Windows on History features Odd Fellows Nineteenth Amendment windows.

December: Video edited for television and film festival format. Inclusion in Women Soaring art exhibit. Plan for educational curriculum development (2021).

Thanks to the Famous Marching Presidents, donors, and the incredible team.